Strategic AI that shows what you’ve been missing
Turn your sales playbook and unstructured data into complete pipeline visibility, risk insights, and winning behaviors.
Power your revenue engine

Keep your CRM data effortlessly accurate
Answer or validate key fields with Wizard. Review the reasoning behind each suggestion and update the CRM instantly -- no chasing reps required.
Stop losing easy money
Inconsistently followed processes cost businesses as much as 30% of their potential revenue. Rattle provides an automated backstop everywhere your revenue team may stray, so you can turn your GTM team into a well-oiled machine.

Sell as a united front
Bring your most critical conversations into context with Deal Rooms, super-powered with real-time signals, next steps, coaching, enablement, and A.I. summaries. Your team can execute in ways you've only dreamed.
The whole (revenue) world loves Rattle

Rattle? Think: Zapier on steroids.

So intuitive and quick, it allows you to manage a lot of different things at once.

Rattle has quite a big set of use cases immediately and then as you grow, your critical thinking also grows and you start being creative.

Without Rattle, I would at least need a team twice the size... It's a force multiplier for us, and it's been incredible.

If you're using Salesforce and Slack it doesn't make sense not to use Rattle.

Rattle is incredibly easy to use and supports bi-directionality, which our team loves.

We’re actually getting to a place where we ask not ‘How do we solve this?’ but ‘How do we solve this with Rattle?’

It's a delight to work with!
Rattle has become a verb at Litmus!

If I had to pick one notification to receive for life - it'd be the one from Rattle via Slack. 🥰 (It is configured to trigger once a deal is booked. 🎉)

Rattle has turned our CRM into a full-scale engagement platform.

In one working session, we built out what we were doing in Troops, PLUS the improvements I've been trying to get for months.

Love your product! Keep up the great work!

Just want to say the auto disposition buttons in rattle are rocking my world.

Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.

We'd previously struggled with Salesforce's native implementation of Slack alerts... Thank goodness I discovered Rattle.

We are easily 30% more accurate with our forecasting since Rattle flags data hygiene issues as soon as they happen and lets our team fix them in seconds.

Rattle made better database hygiene, response times, and win ratios possible for us!

Being able to take call notes directly in Slack & have them immediately update in Salesforce is a game-changer for my team. We're easily saving 30 minutes a day per rep.

Loving Rattle, it's giving me so much better visibility into our data/deals.

Rattle UX is an A++!

Loving Rattle, it's giving me so much better visibility into our data/deals.

In one working session, we built out what we were doing in Troops, PLUS the improvements I've been trying to get for months.

If I had to pick one notification to receive for life - it'd be the one from Rattle via Slack. 🥰 (It is configured to trigger once a deal is booked. 🎉)

So intuitive and quick, it allows you to manage a lot of different things at once.

Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.

Rattle? Think: Zapier on steroids.

If you're using Salesforce and Slack it doesn't make sense not to use Rattle.

Rattle has quite a big set of use cases immediately and then as you grow, your critical thinking also grows and you start being creative.

It's a delight to work with!

Rattle is incredibly easy to use and supports bi-directionality, which our team loves.

Just want to say the auto disposition buttons in rattle are rocking my world.

We'd previously struggled with Salesforce's native implementation of Slack alerts... Thank goodness I discovered Rattle.

Being able to take call notes directly in Slack & have them immediately update in Salesforce is a game-changer for my team. We're easily saving 30 minutes a day per rep.

Without Rattle, I would at least need a team twice the size... It's a force multiplier for us, and it's been incredible.

We’re actually getting to a place where we ask not ‘How do we solve this?’ but ‘How do we solve this with Rattle?’

Rattle UX is an A++!

We are easily 30% more accurate with our forecasting since Rattle flags data hygiene issues as soon as they happen and lets our team fix them in seconds.
Rattle has become a verb at Litmus!

Rattle has turned our CRM into a full-scale engagement platform.

Rattle made better database hygiene, response times, and win ratios possible for us!

Love your product! Keep up the great work!

Loving Rattle, it's giving me so much better visibility into our data/deals.

We are easily 30% more accurate with our forecasting since Rattle flags data hygiene issues as soon as they happen and lets our team fix them in seconds.

Without Rattle, I would at least need a team twice the size... It's a force multiplier for us, and it's been incredible.

Rattle? Think: Zapier on steroids.

Just want to say the auto disposition buttons in rattle are rocking my world.

Love your product! Keep up the great work!

If you're using Salesforce and Slack it doesn't make sense not to use Rattle.

We'd previously struggled with Salesforce's native implementation of Slack alerts... Thank goodness I discovered Rattle.

Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.

Rattle has turned our CRM into a full-scale engagement platform.
Rattle has become a verb at Litmus!

In one working session, we built out what we were doing in Troops, PLUS the improvements I've been trying to get for months.

We’re actually getting to a place where we ask not ‘How do we solve this?’ but ‘How do we solve this with Rattle?’

If I had to pick one notification to receive for life - it'd be the one from Rattle via Slack. 🥰 (It is configured to trigger once a deal is booked. 🎉)

Being able to take call notes directly in Slack & have them immediately update in Salesforce is a game-changer for my team. We're easily saving 30 minutes a day per rep.

It's a delight to work with!

Rattle made better database hygiene, response times, and win ratios possible for us!

Rattle UX is an A++!

So intuitive and quick, it allows you to manage a lot of different things at once.

Rattle is incredibly easy to use and supports bi-directionality, which our team loves.

Rattle has quite a big set of use cases immediately and then as you grow, your critical thinking also grows and you start being creative.

Rattle made better database hygiene, response times, and win ratios possible for us!

Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.

Rattle is incredibly easy to use and supports bi-directionality, which our team loves.

It's a delight to work with!
Rattle has become a verb at Litmus!

Being able to take call notes directly in Slack & have them immediately update in Salesforce is a game-changer for my team. We're easily saving 30 minutes a day per rep.

Rattle has turned our CRM into a full-scale engagement platform.

Rattle? Think: Zapier on steroids.

Loving Rattle, it's giving me so much better visibility into our data/deals.

Without Rattle, I would at least need a team twice the size... It's a force multiplier for us, and it's been incredible.

We'd previously struggled with Salesforce's native implementation of Slack alerts... Thank goodness I discovered Rattle.

Rattle has quite a big set of use cases immediately and then as you grow, your critical thinking also grows and you start being creative.

Rattle UX is an A++!

We’re actually getting to a place where we ask not ‘How do we solve this?’ but ‘How do we solve this with Rattle?’

Just want to say the auto disposition buttons in rattle are rocking my world.

In one working session, we built out what we were doing in Troops, PLUS the improvements I've been trying to get for months.

So intuitive and quick, it allows you to manage a lot of different things at once.

We are easily 30% more accurate with our forecasting since Rattle flags data hygiene issues as soon as they happen and lets our team fix them in seconds.

If I had to pick one notification to receive for life - it'd be the one from Rattle via Slack. 🥰 (It is configured to trigger once a deal is booked. 🎉)

If you're using Salesforce and Slack it doesn't make sense not to use Rattle.

Love your product! Keep up the great work!
Rattle has become a verb at Litmus!

Loving Rattle, it's giving me so much better visibility into our data/deals.

Rattle is incredibly easy to use and supports bi-directionality, which our team loves.

If you're using Salesforce and Slack it doesn't make sense not to use Rattle.

So intuitive and quick, it allows you to manage a lot of different things at once.

Rattle? Think: Zapier on steroids.

Rattle UX is an A++!

We are easily 30% more accurate with our forecasting since Rattle flags data hygiene issues as soon as they happen and lets our team fix them in seconds.

Being able to take call notes directly in Slack & have them immediately update in Salesforce is a game-changer for my team. We're easily saving 30 minutes a day per rep.

Rattle has turned our CRM into a full-scale engagement platform.

Love your product! Keep up the great work!

We’re actually getting to a place where we ask not ‘How do we solve this?’ but ‘How do we solve this with Rattle?’

Without Rattle, I would at least need a team twice the size... It's a force multiplier for us, and it's been incredible.

Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.

In one working session, we built out what we were doing in Troops, PLUS the improvements I've been trying to get for months.

Just want to say the auto disposition buttons in rattle are rocking my world.

If I had to pick one notification to receive for life - it'd be the one from Rattle via Slack. 🥰 (It is configured to trigger once a deal is booked. 🎉)

Rattle has quite a big set of use cases immediately and then as you grow, your critical thinking also grows and you start being creative.

Rattle made better database hygiene, response times, and win ratios possible for us!

We'd previously struggled with Salesforce's native implementation of Slack alerts... Thank goodness I discovered Rattle.

It's a delight to work with!

We'd previously struggled with Salesforce's native implementation of Slack alerts... Thank goodness I discovered Rattle.

Loving Rattle, it's giving me so much better visibility into our data/deals.

If I had to pick one notification to receive for life - it'd be the one from Rattle via Slack. 🥰 (It is configured to trigger once a deal is booked. 🎉)

In one working session, we built out what we were doing in Troops, PLUS the improvements I've been trying to get for months.

So intuitive and quick, it allows you to manage a lot of different things at once.

Rattle UX is an A++!

Just want to say the auto disposition buttons in rattle are rocking my world.

If you're using Salesforce and Slack it doesn't make sense not to use Rattle.

It's a delight to work with!

We’re actually getting to a place where we ask not ‘How do we solve this?’ but ‘How do we solve this with Rattle?’

Rattle is incredibly easy to use and supports bi-directionality, which our team loves.

Without Rattle, I would at least need a team twice the size... It's a force multiplier for us, and it's been incredible.

Rattle has quite a big set of use cases immediately and then as you grow, your critical thinking also grows and you start being creative.

Rattle made better database hygiene, response times, and win ratios possible for us!
Rattle has become a verb at Litmus!

We are easily 30% more accurate with our forecasting since Rattle flags data hygiene issues as soon as they happen and lets our team fix them in seconds.

Love your product! Keep up the great work!

Rattle has turned our CRM into a full-scale engagement platform.

Being able to take call notes directly in Slack & have them immediately update in Salesforce is a game-changer for my team. We're easily saving 30 minutes a day per rep.

Rattle? Think: Zapier on steroids.

Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.

Rattle? Think: Zapier on steroids.

Being able to take call notes directly in Slack & have them immediately update in Salesforce is a game-changer for my team. We're easily saving 30 minutes a day per rep.

Rattle made better database hygiene, response times, and win ratios possible for us!

Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.

We'd previously struggled with Salesforce's native implementation of Slack alerts... Thank goodness I discovered Rattle.

If I had to pick one notification to receive for life - it'd be the one from Rattle via Slack. 🥰 (It is configured to trigger once a deal is booked. 🎉)

We are easily 30% more accurate with our forecasting since Rattle flags data hygiene issues as soon as they happen and lets our team fix them in seconds.

Loving Rattle, it's giving me so much better visibility into our data/deals.

Rattle UX is an A++!

Without Rattle, I would at least need a team twice the size... It's a force multiplier for us, and it's been incredible.

Rattle has turned our CRM into a full-scale engagement platform.

Rattle has quite a big set of use cases immediately and then as you grow, your critical thinking also grows and you start being creative.

So intuitive and quick, it allows you to manage a lot of different things at once.

Rattle is incredibly easy to use and supports bi-directionality, which our team loves.

In one working session, we built out what we were doing in Troops, PLUS the improvements I've been trying to get for months.

Love your product! Keep up the great work!

It's a delight to work with!
Rattle has become a verb at Litmus!

Just want to say the auto disposition buttons in rattle are rocking my world.

We’re actually getting to a place where we ask not ‘How do we solve this?’ but ‘How do we solve this with Rattle?’

If you're using Salesforce and Slack it doesn't make sense not to use Rattle.

Rattle has quite a big set of use cases immediately and then as you grow, your critical thinking also grows and you start being creative.

Rattle made better database hygiene, response times, and win ratios possible for us!

Rattle? Think: Zapier on steroids.

In one working session, we built out what we were doing in Troops, PLUS the improvements I've been trying to get for months.

Being able to take call notes directly in Slack & have them immediately update in Salesforce is a game-changer for my team. We're easily saving 30 minutes a day per rep.
Rattle has become a verb at Litmus!

Rattle has turned our CRM into a full-scale engagement platform.

Love your product! Keep up the great work!

Loving Rattle, it's giving me so much better visibility into our data/deals.

Without Rattle, I would at least need a team twice the size... It's a force multiplier for us, and it's been incredible.

If you're using Salesforce and Slack it doesn't make sense not to use Rattle.

Rattle has been the most simple product to use and get off the ground. The technology is top-notch and the simplicity behind the UI is amazing.

Rattle is incredibly easy to use and supports bi-directionality, which our team loves.

Just want to say the auto disposition buttons in rattle are rocking my world.

We’re actually getting to a place where we ask not ‘How do we solve this?’ but ‘How do we solve this with Rattle?’

So intuitive and quick, it allows you to manage a lot of different things at once.

Rattle UX is an A++!

We are easily 30% more accurate with our forecasting since Rattle flags data hygiene issues as soon as they happen and lets our team fix them in seconds.

We'd previously struggled with Salesforce's native implementation of Slack alerts... Thank goodness I discovered Rattle.

If I had to pick one notification to receive for life - it'd be the one from Rattle via Slack. 🥰 (It is configured to trigger once a deal is booked. 🎉)

It's a delight to work with!