Support Flows
Give your support team the support they need — with easy workflows that include one-click emoji triggers, shortcuts, and more.

From Slack to support with a (literal) smile
Create, manage, and thread support cases directly in Slack, using shortcuts or emojis 😎.
Top sales teams love rattle
Be in the flow of work
Initiate and manage cases straight from your messaging app, turning Slack into your customer support hub.

One-click case creation
Use a simple, pre-selected emoji as a reaction to auto-trigger a case, empowering both your team and customers to seek the help they need.
Keep ’em in the know
Threaded updates ensure you're always connected to the original comment (and context), bridging the gap between messaging and your CRM, all while updates — on either side — are synced seamlessly.

Feature highlights

“Something that has changed after Rattle is that it elicits conversations amongst different teams other than sales.”
Three reasons you'll love using Rattle
No change management
Every tool is built to drop into the way you work now and start improving your results ASAP.
No coding – ever
Not even the teensiest bit of technical acumen is required to integrate and deploy any of our tools.
No flying solo
If you’ve got a goal, we’ve probably already got a solution waiting for you in The Playbook.